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our Vision

LEA prepares high-potential African-American Girls to compete as tomorrow’s thought leaders.
Image by Thought Catalog
Image by Thought Catalog

Thought Leaders

  • Champion exceptional ideas within their communities, with a level of technical competence that can only be called mastery

  • Demonstrate passion – and engage and inspire similar commitment in others

  • Forge productive networks and cooperative relationships

  • Mature to become catalysts for team work, innovation and improvement – stretching to develop their skills, and also helping others learn, as well

Triple Bottom LIne

LEA offers a customized development experience for inner city girls to lead in their community while developing essential core skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Education, Art and Business. Seventy-five girls compete in teams to create and commercialize new public services and for-profit businesses. In doing so, they change their own lives and help reinvent underserved communities, creating greater business and public value.


  • The LEA Benefit: Leadership Development and Community Transformation

  • For a Participant – a chance to compete – and to create a personal success story uniquely her own

  • For a Partnering Sponsor – an opportunity to lead by example, strengthen profitable and productive relationships with customers, talent and communities and build a pipeline for future employees

  • For a Community – a chance to support developing tomorrow’s leaders, today

  • Further, this unique program fosters start-ups focused on growth industries and emerging affluent markets

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