Immediate Benefits
Participation and access to a new local diverse talent pipeline
Hands-on developmental experience for participating Senior Managers and Associates in change leadership, coaching and mentoring
Scorecard to address biases in firm culture, performance management, compensation and career advancement
Reduce and control selection and retention costs through a culture that attracts and promotes the best diverse talent
Long-Term Benefits
Culture Changing
Sustainable network and career path for students of color to become managers, directors and equity partners
Self- Sustaining
Higher equity scores as women negotiate smarter, minimize client costs and successfully win proposals
Larger pool of diverse talent to draw on
Built to Grow
Recruitment, mentoring and professional development strategies targeted to retain and advance marginalized groups
Lea Outcomes: What we can achieve together
LAsting Change
Using focus groups to engage key constituencies in target neighborhoods, LEA's implementation plans are customized from the ground up to ensure improvements are permanent and scalable
Tomorrow's Leaders
Leadership and business skills training enabling associates,
students, teachers and mentors to build startups and present effective, fundable business models while also measuring impact on their communities
Onward and Upward
​Dynamic assessments evaluate and inventory current resources available to fill leadership, management and team functions, providing a way to point to future development planning or remediation.
education Reform
Focused on integrating STEM learning, leadership and business skills for women and girls of color, our custom curriculum is based on three core learning strategies:
STEM Content
Digital learning platform (e.g., KnowAtom)
Career path development
Certification for fluency
Business Understanding
Development and launch of small business start ups for Phase II participants
College/university student apprenticeship program at participating firms
Leadership/Interpersonal Skills
Mentoring skills for participating firm's senior managers in Phase I
Coaching/mentoring and team leadership skills for New Associates in Phase II
Coaching/mentoring skills for college/university students in Phase III